Charlestown South Public School

Strive With Honour

Telephone02 4943 5827


Our school uses the My School Connect app for lunch ordering. Click here to find out more. 

The Canteen is open Thursday and Friday.

Our Canteen is run by the P & C and relies soley on volunteers to function. We are always on the lookout for more help. If you are able to help out, please call into the Canteen and speak to Tamasin, our Coordinator.

Online orders close at 8.45am each morning.

 To order lunch, come to the canteen before 8.50am. We appreciate the correct change, thank you.

The canteen is operated under the guidelines of the Healthy Kids Program, as directed by the NSW Canteen Association.

This program categorises food using the 'Traffic Light System' and dictates all food sold in NSW School Canteens. Emphasis is on fresh food and CSPS is a supporter of this.