Charlestown South Public School

Strive With Honour

Telephone02 4943 5827

Parent Comments


What do parents say about CSPS?

"A quality school with a devoted teaching staff who really do care about our children. CSPS has a wonderful community feel—smaller student numbers means that each child has a better opportunity to learn, both academically & socially. We thoroughly recommend Charlestown South PS to give your   children the best education."

          Rod and Fiona Green

- Fiona & Rod Green, Parents


"From day one our daughter who has quite a lengthy medical history settled in well & loves school life & all the routines & activities that go along with it. The staff have gone above & beyond what is expected of them to assist with her learning & development. She does not want to miss a day."

                                          - Hazel & Martin Coles, Parents


"Charlestown South Public School is our local school and we love it! There is so much to love about this little school. The excellent teaching staff; each teacher seems to have a special talent whether it be musically, choreographing the dance concerts, coaching sporting teams, there always seems to be a talented staff member who is willing and very able to get involved and make it work.

Many families of the attending children show how much they share common family values by joining in community based out of school activities such as sporting teams. It is so nice to be part of a close-knit community.

We have had comments from friends and family about how lovely it is to hear the children, no matter what class they are in, greeting each other by name in the mornings or saying goodbye in the afternoons, and it makes us proud to be part of that.

Our children love coming to school each day, and are reluctant to take a day off sick or leave early for appointments. This, to us, is an excellent indicator of the success of the school program, as is their continuing achievements academically.

We believe local schools are very important and we'd encourage all families in the area to support this great resource we have on our doorstep."

                                         - Harriet and Nigel Dunn, Parents                              


"Our daughter attended CSPS and loved it and thrived under her teachers who helped stretch her capabilities. She has been able to achieve her goal of placement at Merewether Selective High School and her love of learning and drive for excellence continues. Our son is enjoying himself and growing in confidence daily. The twins when in preschool could not wait to start having been so familiar with everyone at CSPS."

                                         - Rachel and Frederick Asis