Charlestown South Public School

Strive With Honour

Telephone02 4943 5827

School Learning Support Officers


"What ever the mind can conceive, it can achieve".

W. Clement Stone


Charlestown South Public School has a commitment to all students to accommodate them and their needs into mainstream schooling. To accomplish this our school has the support of devoted School Learning Support Officers. We endeavour to provide an environment which will encourage and support learning for all students.

Our aim is to encourage positive attitudes, the feeling of being successful and to build self esteem in all students. Our hope is to provide them with the stategies and skills to achieve these goals and to give them the confidence to do their best.

The needs and abilities of all students are catered for and respected, as their emotional wellbeing is a high priority. Students are given individual aid within the classroom according to their needs so they will produce quality work, develop positive behaviours and choices and to the best of their abilities, work independently.